As we have looked at how the four major stereotypes shape the perception of Asians living abroad, we also need to look at the causes of some of these stereotypes.

Good at math: most people have a stereotype of Chinese people are good at math, this is because that, in China, the math level education in China is in a much more complicated level compared to other countries, which creates an illusion that all Chinese people are good at math. However, this is not true, not everyone from China is good at math, it depends on if that person is hardworking or not.
Bad drivers: this stereotype does not make sense at all. It is just more like an urban legend. In fact, according to the data., many of the groups who are often stereotyped as “bad drivers” — women, Asians, and the elderly — are actually less likely to get into accidents or break traffic laws than are people from other demographic groups.
For example, a recent Australian traffic study found that Asian-born drivers had about half the risk of an accident as their Australian-born peers. Therefore, this is an absolute stereotype.
Bad Drivers? No, Just Bad Stereotypes. (2014, December 10). Retrieved May 25, 2020, from